Moo-Cow, Kung-Fu-Cow

Autor(s) Nick Sharratt

11.90 10.71 -10%

Editora: Scholastic
Ano: 2020
Nº Páginas: 20
Peso: 0 Kg
Dimensões: mm
ISBN: 9780702300974
Categoria(s) Infanto-juvenil
Disponibilidade: Em Stock
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Wow! A Kung-Fu Cow! Yikes! A Tattoo-Cow. Boing! A Kangaroo-Cow. Which moo jumps out at you? Tug the tabs and lift the five chunky flaps of this brilliant novelty picture book to see a herd of hilarious moo-cows doing all sorts of a-moosing things! There’s a cool cow for everyone in this comic masterpiece, a fantastically colourful sequel to the hugely popular Octopus Socktopus and Elephant Wellyphant by Nick Sharratt, one of Britain’s best-loved illustrators. With superb, satisfying novelty features: pull-tabs, pop-ups and flaps, along with appealing illustrations and hilarious wordplay, this baby picture book will be fun for little ones and parents alike!